And some of the sites have seen a lot of movement with the core set of summer updates. For example: Sites with the same or almost duplicated content: reference, lyrics, directories. I've covered sites that contain the same or very similar content before. For example, reference sites, lyrics sites, directories, etc. Google explained that if you provide the same content as many other sites and don't add serious value, Crop Resizing Service it can be difficult for Google's algorithms to decide which sites should rank well. I've seen this many times over the years and have helped a number of sites in verticals like these. It's easy for sites that don't add value to go up and down with every general kernel update (while Google struggles to figure out which ones should rank higher…)
With the core updates in June and July, I've seen a lot of movement on sites that fall into these categories. Again, it is extremely important to provide serious added value (especially when the content is the same or nearly duplicated). Crop resizing service If you don't provide added value, you could rise in one update and fall sharply in the next. And that leads to a roller coaster trend (which can drive site owners crazy). Here are some examples of sites that fall into this category that have seen a lot of movement:Large scale referral sites: Lyrics sites that move a lot: Interesting: Category adjustment based on product reviews update flaw? Continuing along the lines of trends I saw in the main updates in June and July,
many sites in a specific vertical did not fare well with this update. I've done a lot of work in this area over the years and it was clear that Google had implemented some big changes on this front. I'm not saying that all sites in the niche have fallen sharply, but a number of sites have (including some of the top performers). It could have started when Google took a close look at the vertical after the Product Ratings Update (PRU). Crop resizing service With this update, some sites that do not provideof review content increased for queries that fell outside their scope. I can't go into detail on this, but Google's algorithms mistakenly caused these sites to increase during the PRU.